Friends of Clevelands
Building a stronger future with 'Friends of Clevelands'
Friends of Clevelands (formally the PTA, Parent and Teacher Association) raise funds for the school to benefit the pupil's enrichment and life at Clevelands. Together we are building a stronger student body through fundraising.
There is no formal joining process to become a member of Friends of Clevelands. In fact, just by being a parent you are already a member! If you are interested in taking an active role with us come to a meeting.
We encourage all families to participate in Friends of Clevelands. This can mean different things for different families. Mums, Dads, older siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and carers are welcome to volunteer. Our Friends of Clevelands group is family centred. Some are very involved attending meetings, helping with planning, helping to run events, others lend a hand setting up or cleaning up after an event and some donate raffle prizes or send in cakes for sales, but the best thing you can do for Friends of Clevelands is attend the events. Every bit of support is welcomed.
Help with fundraising and more
Each year Friends of Clevelands will choose events that will be fun for the children and their family. Please make it a priority to help celebrate these days and assist with fundraising!
All monies raised by Friends of Clevelands stay at Clevelands Preparatory School, unless they are specifically supporting an outside charity. The staff and student council will put forward their requests for allocation of funds and Friends of Clevelands will vote on what they think is best for our children.
Friends of Clevelands can be contacted directly via their email address: