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Academic Performance and Leavers Destinations

The Clevelands Preparatory School has an outstanding academic record, with children making exceptional progress in all areas of the school, maintained by close teacher assessments and yearly standardised progress testing.

In English, nearly 90% of our Year 6 Children achieved Expected or Exceeding. 

In Maths, nearly 95% of our Year 6 Children  achieved Expected or Exceeding.  

Leavers Destinations 

Our mission is to align every student with the school that will suit them best in the future. To do so requires a close understanding of the strengths and interests of every student, together with a clear understanding of the schools available in the Greater Manchester and local region. The natural exit point for Clevelands Preparatory students is at the end of Year 6, when the majority of our students are accepted into their Senior School of choice after taking entrance exams. The process starts several years before your child reaches 11. We will begin by discussing your aspirations for your child and will advise you on which school we believe will suit him/her best. Academic ability is just one of several factors that will influence the final choice of school.

Once this is decided, we will ensure that your child is prepared properly for any assessments and tests they are required to sit.  

"Self-confidence, resilience, and the encouragement to develop ‘an enquiring mind’ create a true ‘joy of learning’ in the students. Both of my children are proud to be part of Clevelands Prep, and nothing makes me prouder than hearing them say, ‘Dad, sometimes I miss being at school."

-Proud Parents 

  • Bury Grammar School 
  • Stonyhurst Cpllege
  • Kirkham Grammar School 
  • Westholme School 
  • Bolton School 

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